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LoveFrance's Shop

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(based on 23 reviews)

Dear Teachers and Supervisors, thank you for looking at my shop, here you will find a range of resources, displays and key words, grammar, work sheets, cover work with answers and power points. I also have letters to parents about trips and visits with town workbooks, suitable for junior and secondary up to A level. I hope that you will find something to help with your planning and save you time.




Dear Teachers and Supervisors, thank you for looking at my shop, here you will find a range of resources, displays and key words, grammar, work sheets, cover work with answers and power points. I also have letters to parents about trips and visits with town workbooks, suitable for junior and secondary up to A level. I hope that you will find something to help with your planning and save you time.
Language Awareness lesson

Language Awareness lesson

Prepare students for learning a language or use to open students eyes to the fact that many every day words we use come from different countries. This was created in the department with colleagues and has always been a great lesson with year 6 or 7 students.
French news article coronavirus

French news article coronavirus

This resource is designed for Students of French preparing for GCSE or Alevel exams, it is an article about Covid-19 from Le Monde newspaper. I have written some comprehension questions and also included the answer sheet. Please feel free to share it with your students if you feel it will support their distance learning.
Near future tense hobbies

Near future tense hobbies

Using the near future tense to talk about hobbies. Includes verb recognition, complete the grammar grid, gap fill, key phrases to work independently and write own sentences or paragraphs.
My town

My town

Flashcards of places around town. Can be used to present or reinforce vocabulary.
Y8 French end of year

Y8 French end of year

A checklist of what my year 8 class should know by the end of the year, a project and a supporting worksheet so they can work independently using classroom resources.
Ma Famille-Cover work

Ma Famille-Cover work

Ma famille cover work is a lesson plan and activity sheet to keep students busy for up to an hour. Designed so that you can just leave it with the cover supervisor, answers included. New French learners KS2 to 3. Gap fill, word and sentence recognition, grammar reinforcement, wordsearch, translation and writing task.
Clothes-cover work

Clothes-cover work

Clothes-Les vetements cover work is an activity sheet to keep students busy during a French cover lesson. Designed so that you can just leave it with the cover supervisor, answers included for supervisor/peer assessment. New French learners KS2 to KS3 as revision. Gap fill, word and sentence recognition, grammar reinforcement, wordsearch, translation and writing task.
Home, school, independent learning, cover, French La technologie

Home, school, independent learning, cover, French La technologie

Home, school, independent learning, cover. French La technologie an activity sheet with answers included. A variety of activities: gap fill, matching, word & sentence recognition, grammar reinforcement, translation & writing tasks. Suitable for students who already have some knowledge of French.
Tour de France 2017-French

Tour de France 2017-French

Tour de France 2017 is a PowerPoint presentation with information about this year's Tour. A set of 20 questions on it,with answers, a set of Key words with meanings and extra video links with further information surrounding the tour and the places it will go through this year. I have included a list of extra tasks that you can use and develop with your class depending on time, ability and needs. This set of resources can be used with students from year 6 to year 9 or 10, I have used it with all ages and abilities and it is always an engaging topic. The tour starts on the 1st of July, I hope you enjoy it.
La musique

La musique

A dialogue about music with some Find the French questions based on a text from a text book for year 8.
Dictionary skills

Dictionary skills

A word list for students to sort into alphabetical order, look up in a bilingual dictionary for meaning, or an English dictionary. Designed to improve skills of recognising words and working out alphabetical order. Could be completed as a timed activity.
Weather and activities

Weather and activities

Slides showing what you can do when its sunny or raining. Different activites. Use for presenting, practising or revising vocabulary.
Places around town

Places around town

Introducing places around town with Kim's game and a guess where I am dialogue. Good for year 6 or 7 students .
Town Battleships

Town Battleships

Battleships game using the vocabulary for places around town. Great for practising vocabulary and repetition.
Basic classroom instructions for French

Basic classroom instructions for French

Basic class instructions, and simple phrases for promoting the use of TL in the classroom, some phrases for peer assessment in the TL. Have used this from the start of the year with year 7 and by the end of the year they no longer need to refer to the sheet.
Pets identity

Pets identity

Description of pets using adjectives and masculine/feminine endings. Good for junior or year 7 students to support writing in French.
Tour de France '16

Tour de France '16

A set of questions and answers, a PowerPoint presentation giving up to date information about the tour with hyperlinks to the TDF website and a set of key words with answers and some extra tasks. I hope you enjoy teaching your classes about the Tour de France as much as I do.
Home learning, Independent French revision/work-pack

Home learning, Independent French revision/work-pack

16 Resources
Parents and teachers, this may be useful during this remote learning time. I have put together a bundle of my best selling cover-work resources for KS3 classes designed to keep a class busy and working independently. A variety of activities aimed at word recognition and grammar, translation and writing. Answer sheets allow you or the supervisor to direct peer or self marking. I hope that you find this useful.
Home learning, independent, French Grammar 2. gender in language

Home learning, independent, French Grammar 2. gender in language

Part 2 of a series of French grammar worksheets beginning with the very basics, explaining grammar points in English and the equivalent exercises in French. New to French or prior learner, for Home learning, independent work or cover lessons. It helps my students to understand why we need to learn grammar when learning a language, see the similarities and differences, acquire an understanding of the basic rules, look out for patterns in language and is also an opportunity to revise English grammar too. This pdf comes in 2 versions a simple word pdf and a canva with an answer sheet for self-correction, supervisor or peer correction.